About the Journal

The Turkic Studies Journal (TSJ) is a peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal that publishes research in Oriental studies, focusing on the culture, history, and languages of Turkic and neighboring peoples of Central Asia. It also features studies exploring the unique culture of the East, which, in interaction with Western culture, forms the unified civilizational foundation of the modern world.

Modern Turkology integrates various scientific disciplines; however, at its core, it is rooted in historical and linguistic studies. Historical research in the journal centers on the history of societies and nomadic cultures, drawing from Chinese, Arab-Persian, Western, and Turkic sources, including Turkic written monuments composed in diverse scripts. These monuments are interpreted as textological units, as they serve not only as historical records of the Turkic peoples and their statehood but also as reflections of their worldview, ideology, culture, nomadic and sedentary lifestyles, thoughts, and experiences. The linguistic aspect of Turkology aims to study the contemporary and historical development of the Turkic languages, as preserved in written monuments.

The reconstruction and study of any aspect of Turkological knowledge are impossible without historical fact, context, and reference to a specific historical event. In this process, the medieval history of Kazakhstan plays a significant role. It was during the Middle Ages that the Great steppe empires of the Huns, Turks, Kimeks, Oghuz, Kipchak khaganates, the Karakhanid state, the Ulus of Jochi, and the Kazakh Khanate were formed.

The Middle Ages represent a continuous sequence of state formations, the blending of the Turkic language with local dialects, and the development of a state culture that shaped the architecture, arts, military affairs, clothing, jewelry trends, and prestigious items throughout the territory.

Kazakhstan occupies a vast territory within the Eurasian space. Throughout history, it served as a crossroads for numerous population migrations and caravan trade routes extending both latitudinally and longitudinally. Kazakhstan served as a conduit and custodian of numerous innovations in both material and spiritual world cultures. Since antiquity, this territory functioned as a pivotal nexus of civilizations, where passionarity accumulated and disseminated in all directions of the oecumene.

The medieval culture, history, and language of the Turkic peoples, in their connection to Kazakhstan as a centralizing entity of Central Asia and the East, remain insufficiently explored within the international academic discourse. This subject constitutes a distinguishing factor for TSJ publication and presents considerable scholarly interest to the global academic community.

The mission of the journal is to explore the indigenous informational lacuna concerning the historical culture and language of the Turkic peoples. The Turkic Studies Journal is the sole publication within the Eurasian space that features original and translated articles on the medieval history and archaeology of the Turkic peoples, as well as their textology and languages, with a focus on the Republic of Kazakhstan as a historically centralizing entity of Central Asia and the East. The journal's publishing activities are also aimed at fostering international academic cooperation in the context of pressing issues in Oriental studies.

The Turkic Studies Journal (TSJ) is aimed at specialists in Oriental Studies, Turkology, and early-career researchers engaged in the study of the history, archaeology, language, and textology of the Turkic peoples.

Languages of publication: English,  Kazakh, Russian.  

The journal is published 4 times a year

ISSN (print) 2664-5157

ISSN (online) 2708-7360

Registered by Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the initial registration 28.03.2019 № 17636-Ж; re-registration 24.02.2021 (registration certificate No. KZ27VPY00032814).

The international agency CrossRef assigns DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to journal articles. DOI log: doi.org/10.32523/2664-5157tsj

Included in the List of journals CQAES MSHE RK

Indexing and archiving: DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)ERIH PLUSRSCIGoogle ScholarAcademic Resource Index (ResearchBib)EuroPubIndex Copernicus (ICI World of Journals)ROADBASECitefactor, EBSCO

Electronic versions of the scientific journal "Turkic Studies Journal" are provided to JSC "NCSTE" for the formation of the fund and inclusion in the electronic libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Print versions of the journal are sent to the libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.

Publisher: Non-profit joint-stock company “L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University”, Аstana, Kazakhstan

Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 4 (2024): TSJ No 4, Vol.6, 2024
					View Vol. 6 No. 4 (2024): TSJ No 4, Vol.6, 2024
Published: 2024-12-14

History and Archeology

Literature and Folklore


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