The Togyzkumalak game: origin, development and current state

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  • Sayalbek Gizzatov National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan



togyzkumalak, spiritual culture, federation, UNESCO, otau, kazan, kumalak, «tuzdyk», «atsyrau»


The Kazakh people, despite the fact that for many centuries they had to struggle with various difficulties, paid great attention to the development of their own culture. In particular, our ancestors paid great attention to the development of intellectual games that require deep logical
thinking and ingenuity. One of these is the Togyzkumalak game, which is considered the «algebra of the nomads».
Each historical period had its own influence on the development and spread of the national game. In particular, the attainment of independence of our country enabled the spread of the Togyzkumalak game internationally. As a result, the national game, which is based on quick calculation and strategic thinking, was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of the international organization UNESCO in 2020. Therefore, the proposed article examines the genesis of the national intellectual Togyzkumalak game of the Kazakh people and its development at different stages. Important information is provided on the organization of the first national game championship, the establishment of the republican and international Togyzkumalak Federation, the development of
the first masters of sport.
The article describes the characteristics, general value and importance of the Togyzkumalak game. The current state of the national game and its popularization at the international level are also comprehensively examined.
The works of domestic and foreign authors who have dealt with this subject from the Middle Ages to the present, as well as new archival materials and articles published in journals were consulted for the stydy. In addition data from archaeological investigations and field expeditions carried out in the regions of the country were used.

Author Biography

Sayalbek Gizzatov, National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Scientific Secretary


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How to Cite

Gizzatov С. (2023). The Togyzkumalak game: origin, development and current state. Turkic Studies Journal, 5(1), 78–97.



Culture and Art of the Kazakhs