The significance of Chingiz Aitmatov's works in the development of Sakha (Yakut) culture

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Aitmatov, Yakutia, culture, national literature, folklore and mythological plots, interna-tionalism, translation, Sakha theater, Potapov, Borisov, phenomenon, connection


The article examines the collection of works by Chingiz Aitmatov translated into the Sakha (Yakut) language (1966) and the stage adaptations of his novellas Mother’s
Field and Spotted Dog Running Along the Edge of the Sea, performed at the Oyunsky Sakha Drama Theatre by directors Fedot Potapov and Andrei Borisov (1965, 1982). The study aims to determine the significance of Chingiz Aitmatov’s work in the development of Sakha culture. The research methodology adopts a comprehensive approach, integrating various scholarly methods, including historical-typological, cultural-historical, concrete-analytical, and comparative methods.
Aitmatov’s works are distinguished by their profound ethnic-national essence while simultaneously possessing universal significance. By addressing the pressing issues of Kyrgyz life, he engaged global, universal values, making his works an enduring source of inspiration
for creative individuals worldwide, regardless of nationality, ideology, or religion. The author argues that Aitmatov’s engagement with folklore and mythological plots and motifs, his affirmation of ethnic-national identity, and his reflection on timeless human values and ‘eternal’ problems render his work enduring, securing his rightful place in world literature.
The analysis reveals that Aitmatov’s literary contributions played a crucial role in strengthening Kyrgyz-Sakha interethnic relations. His works and personality profoundly influenced writers in Siberia and Yakutia and elevating literary translation in Yakutia. The Kyrgyz writer’s name is closely tied to Sakha theater. The Aitmatov phenomenon, as a unique cultural force, is evident in the fact that his staged works in the national theater became landmark productions and major creative achievements for Sakha directors Fedot Potapov
and Andrey Borisov, serving as milestones and starting points in the development of theatrical arts in the republic.
Another unique aspect of Aitmatov’s legacy is that his works provided the Sakha people to convey their traditions and national culture into the cultural space of Russia and the world. His literary creations were not only major events in the realm of artistic literature but also served as a bridge uniting people from different cultural backgrounds through art.
His example demonstrates how literature can transcend cultural and linguistic barriers, addressing to human emotions and experiences that resonate universally.

Author Biography

Valentina Semenova, Institute of Languages and Culture of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department of Sakha(Yakut) Literature


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How to Cite

Semenova В. (2025). The significance of Chingiz Aitmatov’s works in the development of Sakha (Yakut) culture. Turkic Studies Journal, 7(1), 130–145.