My tholinguistic characteristics of the words «Kök Tengri», «Kök buri», «Kök turk»

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  • Zhansaya Pansat M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • Gulnar Mamayeva L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University
  • Ercan Alkaya Firat University



colorative vocabulary, kok Tengri, kok buri, kok Turk, Ashina, mythologeme, national worldview, conceptual and linguistic picture of the world.


The study of the connection between language and thinking in the processes of categorization and conceptualization of the world by a person, in understanding the picture of the world as a single person, as well as entire peoples, ethnic groups, including ancient are relevant and in demand in modern Turkology. Conceptual analysis in this article is subjected to color (color designation) vocabulary, words and idioms extracted from the texts of ancient Turkic runic monuments.
The object of the study was the lexeme « kөk» (blue) and related idioms «kөk Тәңірі» (blue Sky), «kөk bөрі» (noble wolf), « kөk түрк» (blue Turks). It is known that the color symbolism in the culture of each nation is a distinctive feature of ethnic identity, mentality and culture. Thus, both in the culture and spirituality of the ancient Turks, the blue color has its own value meanings, closely related to myths. In Turkic myths, it is the she-wolf that is the progenitor of the ancient Turks.
Ashina, where the genealogy of the ancient Turks comes from, means «storms» («bөрі» in Kazakh), so the Turks called themselves « kөk түрк», where « kөk» means noble, powerful, brave. The article analyzes these myths.
The religious beliefs of the ancient Turks are also associated with the word blue, « kөk Тәңірі» was the supreme deity. According to the authors of the article, the idiom “ kok Tengri ” contains several meanings: on the one hand, it is objective, denoting the blueness of a celestial body, on the other, it is religious sacred. The authors of the article believe that the identified meanings of the blue color of the ancient Turks later found continuity in the spiritual culture of the Turkic peoples, since these meanings are imprinted in Kazakh epics, Oghuznama and other literary monuments.

Information about author

Zhansaya Pansat, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University

2nd year doctoral student of Philology

Gulnar Mamayeva, L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University

Candidate of Philology, аcting Associate Professor

Ercan Alkaya, Firat University

Doctor of Philology, Professor


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How to Cite

Pansat Ж., Mamayeva Г., & Alkaya Е. (2023). My tholinguistic characteristics of the words «Kök Tengri», «Kök buri», «Kök turk». Turkic Studies Journal, 5(3), 146–160.



Turkic languages