Ancient Turkic participle affixes preserved in the active vocabulary of the Kazakh language

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  • Marlen Adilov Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University



Turkic languages, texts of monuments, participle affixes -asy/-esi, -ashak/-ezhek, -egen/ agan, lexicalization, formative affix -mysh, unproductive affixes in Kipchak languages, substantiation


In the modern Kazakh language, there are morphological forms that deviate from the
established grammatical norms of the Kazakh language. These forms are characteristic of the ancient Turkic language and some other Turkic languages. They include the participial forms na ‘-asy, -agan, -azhak, -arman, -mysh’. The author examines the historical usage of these formative affixes, and in some cases their lexicalisation in Turkic languages, to elucidate the evolution of the form and semantics of the affix ‘-mysh’. The form in ‘-mysh’ is derived from the ancient proto-form ‘-bïs’, ‘-bït’. In the ancient Turkic language, the form in ‘-mysh’ expresses the meaning of the non-obvious past tense and is actively used in runic texts and in monuments of the early Middle AgesIn the process of historical development, the affix “-mïš” is substantivized, acquiring the meanings of the participle and the verbal name in texts of the late Middle Ages and modern times. This process is reflected in the Kipchak languages. In the Oghuz languages, the grammatical meaning of the form has been preserved, and the affix remains a productive morphological form. “-Mysh/mys” in the Kazakh language, being substantivized, becomes a word-formation affix of nouns: “turmys, kylmys, zhemis”.

Author Biography

Marlen Adilov, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

 PhD, Chief Researcher, Nemat Kelimbetov Turkological Center


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How to Cite

Adilov М. (2024). Ancient Turkic participle affixes preserved in the active vocabulary of the Kazakh language. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(3), 139–158.



Turkic languages