Verbs denoting craft activities in Mahmud al-Kashgari’s dictionary as a reflection of the economic and social life of the ancient Turks

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  • Zifa Temirgazina Alkey Margulan Pavlodar Pedagogical University
  • Olga Andruchshenko Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after Alkey Margulan
  • Aynur Amangeldy Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University



Mahmud al-Kashgari, ‘Dīwān Lughāt at-Turk’, verb, lexical-semantic subgroup, craft actions, weaponry, tailoring, felting, leatherworking


In his ‘Dīwān Lughāt at-Turk’ Mahmud al-Kashgari compiled a thesaurus of the Old Turkic language, spanning the period from the late 10th to early 11th centuries. This work reflects the worldview of the ancient Turks during this period. These texts are regarded as important sources of information about the territories inhabited by the peoples, as well as their social and economic foundations by historians. Verbs pertaining to the domain of ‘craft actions’ offer insights into the evolution of crafts within the economic milieu of the Turks during the 10th–11th centuries. The differential semantics of verbs enabled the categorisation of verbs into lexical-semantic subgroups, which in turn allowed for the characterisation of various types of crafts. The subgroups ‘tailoring’ and ‘weaponry’ comprise the largest number of verb nominations, with 18 and 15 verbs, respectively. The number of words in the thesaurus indicates not only the prevalence of a particular type of craft, but also their specific nature (a multi-stage process, detailed work, and complexity). In addition, verbs describe crafts such as carpentry, leatherworking, weaving, felting, and the art of barbers. Thus, linguistic facts help to establish a certain fragment of the conceptual worldview of the ancient Turks, complementing historical and archaeological sources.

Information about author

Zifa Temirgazina, Alkey Margulan Pavlodar Pedagogical University

Doctor of Philology, Professor

Olga Andruchshenko, Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after Alkey Margulan

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Aynur Amangeldy, Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University

Candidate of Philological Sciences


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How to Cite

Temirgazina З., Andruchshenko О., & Amangeldy А. (2024). Verbs denoting craft activities in Mahmud al-Kashgari’s dictionary as a reflection of the economic and social life of the ancient Turks. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(4), 150–167.



Turkic languages