The Beginning of Writing Culture among Steppe Nomads

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  • Talgat Moldabay L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University
  • asset International Business from CCT College Dublin



culture, writing history, petroglyphs, symbols, steppe nomads, continuity of written tradition, script, alphabet, Turkic peoples


The present study focuses on the prerequisites for the periodization of writing in the culture of steppe nomads, the stages of development of
pictographic subject and ideological writing are analyzed. Many petroglyphs, symbols left by steppe nomads, probably reflect their desire to understand the world around them. Authors of articles as part of several expeditions to the complex petroglyphs of Shiveet Khairkhan, Arshan Khad, Khoit-Tsenkher, Baga-Oygur in Mongolia; Bichikt-Bom, Karakol, Bizhikt-Khaya, Bii-Khem,
Karasuk in Russia; Ak-Baur, Zhetysu, Tamgaly, Terekti in Kazakhstan. Based on written sources, as well as outdated creativity, commercial from generation to generation, the article analyzes the origins of written nomadic culture.
The authors believe that some historical events are captured in the tradition of the Turkic chronology, such as “Koyan zhylgy ashtyk” (Famine in the year of the rabbit), “Meshin zhylgy sogys” (War in the year of the monkey) and
are a reflection of the subject nomadic culture. In the process of research, it was established that the heritage of many petroglyphs and symbols with the ancient Turkic alphabet confirms the cultural and cognitive continuity of the written culture of the nomads.

Information about author

Talgat Moldabay, L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University

PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher

asset, International Business from CCT College Dublin



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How to Cite

Moldabay, T., & Asset, B. (2024). The Beginning of Writing Culture among Steppe Nomads. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(3), 88–103.



History and Archeology