The history of development of alphabet in the Turkic world

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  • Talgat Moldabay L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University



writing, culture, runic, alphabet, history of writing, Turkic peoples, steppe nomads, ancient Uyghur writing


The steppe nomads, who are primarily of Turkic descent, played a significant role in the political, historical, and cultural growth of various systems. The advancement of a culture can be best demonstrated through its writing system. An examination was conducted to evaluate the extent to which the descendants of steppe nomads embraced this cultural phenomenon and contributed to its progress. Hence, the growth of written culture among the Turkic people, including its various phases, geographical dissemination, and practical use, holds significant importance. In our study, we concentrated on the different stages of development of the Turkic writing culture. We provided a concise history of the written forms used their origin and intended purposes, and illustrated them with specific examples through various written artifacts. Our emphasis was on the works of researches who analyzed writing patterns, presented their perspectives on the history of writing, its rage, and the role of the writing system in language. Therefore, we attempted to arrange the writing systems employed by the Turks in chronological order and uncover the cross-culture associations among these writing systems.

Author Biography

Talgat Moldabay, L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Turkology


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How to Cite

Moldabay, T. (2023). The history of development of alphabet in the Turkic world. Turkic Studies Journal, 5(1), 49–59.



History and Archeology