The lexeme «road» and road toponyms in Kazakh culture and language

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  • Bekzhan Abdualiuly Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті



semantic analysis, drononyms, road toponyms, Silk Road, conceptual aspect, geographical, historical and cultural, worldview, ambiguity, syntagmatic combinations of lexemes


The article provides a semantic analysis of lexemes-drononyms and road toponyms that reflect the territory of Kazakhstan, including its vast steppes, forests, arid deserts, mountain ranges,
rivers, and lakes. Roads require the determination of effective routes, ensuring people’s safety, and
providing them with food and accommodation. The concept of a road is closely linked to the geography,
economy, traditions, and spiritual beliefs of the Kazakh people.
The spatial and temporal meanings of drononyms are influenced by the historical nomadic lifestyle
of the Kazakhs and their seasonal migrations. The article analyzes vocabulary related to walking,
horseback riding, and nomadic movements associated with the historical lifestyle of the Kazakhs.
A significant focus of the article is the definition of road toponyms, particularly highlighting the trade,
political, and cultural importance of the Silk Road, which passed through the territory of Kazakhstan.
Based on the research of Kazakh scientist A. Margulan and other scholars, the interpretations of
numerous road toponyms of the country are systematized.
During the analysis of drononyms and toponyms, their conceptual meanings (geographical, historical and cultural, ideological) are revealed. The ambiguity of lexemes, their derivative potential,
and syntagmatic combinations are explored, which enabled the author to conduct a systematic semantic analysis.

Author Biography

Bekzhan Abdualiuly, Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті

Doctor of Philology, Acting Professor


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How to Cite

Abdualiuly Б. (2024). The lexeme «road» and road toponyms in Kazakh culture and language. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(2), 155–173.



Culture and Art of the Kazakhs