The first khan of Moghulistan in medieval sources and works of researchers

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  • Sergazy Akhmetkul L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University
  • Umirbaj Bekmaganbetov L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Kairat Battalov Astana IT University



Chagatai Ulus, Moghulistan, Mughals, Khan Esen Buqa, Tughluk-Timur Khan, Tarikh-iRashidi, Shajarayi Turk, V. Bartold, W. Erskine


The article is based on the analysis of the domestic and foreign researches and examines data on the first khan of Moghulistan. Historians for a long time considered Tughluk - Timur to be the first khan of Moghulistan, which was created in the eastern part of the Chagatai Ulus. However, the works of British scholars of the second half of the 19th century refute this conventional point of view. Whereas V. Bartold, K. Pishchulina, V. Yudin, O. Akimushkin, O. Karaev and others justify
that Tughluk - Timur Khan was the first khan of Moghulistan based on the data of ‘Muizz al-Ansab’, ‘Zafar-name,’ ‘Shajarat al-atrak’ and other works, then British scholars W. Erskine, E. Oliver and N. Elias based on the materials of ‘Tarikh-i-Rashidi’ by Muhammad Haidar, ‘Shajarayi Turk’ by Abulgazi describes Esen Buqa as the founder of the state of Moghulistan. However, the relative accuracy of the data provided in ‘Tarikh-i-Rashidi’ and ‘Shajarayi Turk’ makes it possible to consider Khan Esen Buqa to be the first khan of Moghulistan. These arguments cast doubt on the statements of V. Bartold, O. Akimushkin and others about the anachronism of the data of Muhammad Haidar and Abulgazi Bahadur Khan regarding Esen Buqa.

Information about author

Sergazy Akhmetkul , L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University

PhD student

Umirbaj Bekmaganbetov, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Candidate of Historical Sciences

Kairat Battalov, Astana IT University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Social Sciences Department


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How to Cite

Akhmetkul С., Bekmaganbetov . Ө., & Battalov Қ. (2023). The first khan of Moghulistan in medieval sources and works of researchers. Turkic Studies Journal, 5(4), 7–17.



History and Archeology