Ethnocultural features of Alikhan Bukeikhan’s translations

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  • Sherubay Kurmanbaiuly Abai Кazakh National Pedagogical University



Alikhan Bukeikhan, son of the steppes, ethnocultural feature, translation, adapted translation, accurate translation, adequate translation, pragmatic adaptation, translator.


The article deals with the features of Alikhan Bokeikhan’s translations. On the basis of similarities and differences of the first translation samples of Y. Altynsarin, A. Kunanbayuly of the second half of the XIX century and A. Bokeykhan’s translations of the beginning of the XX century, continuity of traditions of translation are revealed. The general character and peculiar ethno-cultural features of the translations of the ‘son of the steppes’ are determined. By comparative analysis of the original and translated texts, the reasons for choosing the type and method of translation are revealed. The secret of creative freedom in translation, the nature of the translation experience are comprehensively revealed in accordance with the goals and objectives of the creative person that
prompted him to choose translation method. The general position in the translations of Russian language literature by A.Bokeikhan and A.Baitursynuly and translators of the beginning of the XX century, as well as their contribution to the formation of native translation studies as a special branch, as a profession and specialty are considered in close interrelation. The article analyzes and evaluates the state of the history of Kazakh translation studies at the beginning of the XX century, its periodicity based on the translations of a prominent representative of the Alash intelligentsia, Alikhan Bukeikhan, who was systematically engaged in translation activities and worked fruitfully at that time. The article concludes on the basis of the fact that the son of the steppes is not only a master of accurate translation, but also a skilled translator who rationally used the method of text presentation in his translation activities, taking into account linguoculturology and pragmatics, as well as the peculiarities of national culture and the socio-cultural level of Kazakh society of the early ХХ century.

Author Biography

Sherubay Kurmanbaiuly, Abai Кazakh National Pedagogical University

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Member of the NAS RK, Head of the Nemat Kelimbetov Turkology Center


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How to Cite

Kurmanbaiuly Ш. (2023). Ethnocultural features of Alikhan Bukeikhan’s translations. Turkic Studies Journal, 5(2), 122–137.



Turkic languages