Artistic originality of Renat Kharis’s works for children
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Renat Kharis; poetry for children; poem; Tatar literature; “Beautiful house”;”We’re going to visit”; poetics; artistic originalityAbstract
The multifaceted poetry of the renowned Tatar poet Renat Kharis has firmly entered the circle of children’s reading of young Tatar readers. At the same time, R.Kharis writes poems specifically addressed to the children’s audience. The article discusses the artistic originality of the poems of Renat Kharis, included in the collections “Lap-lap” (1996), “Tag” (2001) and poems for children “Beautiful house” (1988) and “We’re Going to Visit” (2015).
The poetic work of the national poet of Tatarstan R.Kharis, author of more than 40 collections of poems in Tatar, Russian, Bashkir, Chuvash, English languages, laureate of the State Prizes of the Republic of Tatarstan named after Gabdulla Tukai and G.R.Derzhavin, laureate of the State
Prize of the Russian Federation, enjoys well-deserved attention from readers and researchers of his work.
With all the variety of creative interests of R.Kharis, he first of all remains a poet. Collections of his poems were published in Russian: “Crossroads” (M., 1972), “Russian gate” (M.,1977), “Come into my house” (M., 1980), “Leaves” (Kazan, 1998), “Drank the lightning” (Kazan, 2007), “Singing night” (M., 2011), a book of poems “A Pen Writing Poems” (Kazan, 1998) was published in three languages (Tatar, English, Russian). Writers V.Kozhinov, V.Dementiev, M.Karim highly appreciate the poetry of R.Kharis and noted the originality of his poetry, and literary critics N.Yuzeev, T.Galiullin, F. Galimullin, N. Khisamov, F. Khasanova and others explore the style, poetics of creativity and note the relevance of topics and problems raised in his work, philosophical depth, genre diversity and a kind of elitism of his works. However, the poetry of R.Kharis, addressed to the children’s audience was undeservedly deprived of the attention of literary scholars.
The novelty of this research is in the material itself: for the first time the poetics of R.Kharis’s works addressed to children’s audience is investigated. Having considered the artistic originality of the works of R.Kharis, addressed to children, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The poems of R.Kharis are willingly read and easily remembered by children, even of a preschool age. They cause a variety of feelings: joy, light sadness. However, a bright, life-affirming principle prevails in them. 2. The modern Tatar poet, as well as K.I.Chukovsky, creates his poems, based on good knowledge of children’s psychology, children’s attitude. Works by R.Kharis are lyrical, melodic, rich in a variety of tropes and syntactic
constructions, they are distinguished by a special rhythm. 3. Renat Kharis’s many poems are filled with humor, light irony and satisfy the inherent need for children’s worldview for laughter and play. 4. R.Kharis’s poems “Beautiful house” and “We’re Going to Visit” can serve as a model of poems addressed to the youngest readers. The child, reading these poems, learns to see the beautiful in the most ordinary phenomena, is imbued with an important educational thought about friendship and mutual understanding in the family, about the need for creative work for a happy life.