Fish depictions in the deer stones

Қаралымдар: 89 / PDF жүктеулері: 51


  • Jamsranjav Bayarsaikhan National Museum of Mongolia


Кілт сөздер:

paleoculture, Central Asia, Mongolia, deer stones, drawings, fish, worldview


The autochthonous community of Central Asia, including Mongolia, is based on a
nomadic culture, the origins of which go back to the paleoculture, the Bronze Age. The article is devoted
to the topic of Central Asia - study drawings, petroglyphs in the Late Bronze Age. On the deer stones,
petroglyphs, logograms depicting heavenly bodies (sun, moon), hunting and labor tools, wild and
domestic animals, fish, as well as the so-called «pair fish» of which were found during archaeological
work in Mongolia, South Siberia, Central Asia. The article notes that in the depicted figures, logos
reflected the «world view» of the ancient people, their mythology and ideology, understanding of the
world and nature. Some artifacts of the paleoculture discovered during archaeological excavations
are still kept in the National Museum of Mongolia. Exploring the artefacts of paleoculture, the author
makes his own contribution to the study of the cultural origins of Central Asia.

Автор өмірбаяны

Jamsranjav Bayarsaikhan, National Museum of Mongolia

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director




Дәйексөзді қалай келтіруге болады

Bayarsaikhan, J. (2021). Fish depictions in the deer stones. Turkic Studies Journal, 3(2), 44–53.

Журналдың саны
