The aesthetic world of Golden Horde literature and its continuity in Kazakh literature

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  • Murat Sabyr West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University
  • Aigul Ramanova West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University
  • Dina Kussainova West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University
  • Talgat Akhmetov West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University



The Golden Horde, poetic tradition, spiritual and cultural heritage, value, aesthetics, artistic means, continuity


The written literary monuments of the Golden Horde era hold significant importance in the spiritual and cultural history of the Kazakh people. The common spiritual culture of the Turkic peoples
during this period was embodied in a unified Middle Turkic language, which laid the foundation for literature in the Kipchak-Oghuz and Oghuz-Kipchak languages and marked the emergence of national
trends. However, these literary monuments also show the influence of Eastern poetic traditions, which are clearly manifested in Qutb’s “Khosrow and Shirin”, and Khorezmi’s “Mukhabbat-name”.
The purpose of this paper is to study the world of spiritual and cultural values, including aesthetic
knowledge, within the context of written literary heritage. Additionally, a number of artistic and aesthetic concepts in Kazakh literature, which have deep roots, are considered. The written literary heritage of the Golden Horde period reflected the worldview, artistic and aesthetic expression through
linguistic means, including the use of epithets, metaphors, comparisons, idioms and set phrases. The written monuments of the 13th–14th centuries constitute a rich source of information regarding the spiritual and cultural worldview and aesthetic perception of the period.
The research has significant practical value. The results obtained can be used in the history of literature and cultural studies.

Information about author

Murat Sabyr, West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Philology and Teaching Methods

Aigul Ramanova, West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University

Candidate of Philology, Associate professor of the Department of Philology and Teaching Methods

Dina Kussainova, West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies

Talgat Akhmetov , West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University

Master of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies


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How to Cite

Sabyr М., Ramanova . А., Kussainova Д., & Akhmetov Т. (2024). The aesthetic world of Golden Horde literature and its continuity in Kazakh literature. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(4), 191–208.



Literature and Folklore