Borrowed words in the oral speech of Mongolian Kazakhs

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  • Aizhan Baigazh L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University



migration, Mongolian Kazakhs, language contact, loan words from Mongolian language, Bayan-Ulgii dialect, oral speech, preservation of lexical meaning, phonetic differences


The relevance of studying the languages of peoples living outside their own territory is determined by the peculiarities of their formation, functioning and preservation under conditions of interdialectal and interlingual contacts.Due to various historic, social, political, geographical and
cultural reasons, the Kazakhs have lived in different countries of the world. In the western part of the country, in the Bayan-Ulgii area, the Kazakhs have developed a multilingual dialect, saturated with foreign words, mainly Mongolian loan words. Despite the fact that Mongolian loanwords have been studied in Kazakh, their study is topical, demanding and requires a systematic approach. The author of the article uses the method of questioning to determine the most common loanwords in various spheres
of human life and to reveal the degree of Kazakh-Mongol bilingualism. The author concludes that 1)
The language of the compact Kazakhs living in Mongolia should be referred to as local colloquial or koine; 2) The sphere of use of colloquialism is oral communication, with rare penetration into written language; 3) The Kazakh loanwords retain their fundamental lexical meaning, but show phonetic changes in consonants and vowels as a result of differences in language typology and characteristics of language articulation.

Author Biography

Aizhan Baigazh, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Postdoctoral Researcher


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How to Cite

Baigazh, A. (2024). Borrowed words in the oral speech of Mongolian Kazakhs. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(3), 159–174.



Turkic languages