Archaeological research on the Kanka fortress city: between nomads and farmers

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  • Sur’at Kubaev National Center of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Nadira Yusupova National Center of Archaeology Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan



Tashkent, Kanka, Syrdarya, tempel, mosque, brick, Akhsiket, kitchen room, socio-cultural adaptation, adaptation to the natural environment


The settlement of Kanka is one of the largest urban centres on the right bank of the Syrdarya. It comprises a citadel, three shakhristans, each surrounded on three sides by defensive walls, and a suburb of rabad. The fourth side of the settlement bordered the riverbank,
along which a wall also ran. A significant object, discovered during
the excavations of Shakhristan 1 was the city temple, which was a
large monumental structure. The core of the temple complex was a
square hall surrounded by bypass corridors. The walls of the temple were decorated with paintings and relief moldings. New research in the settlement was conducted on the eastern part of the city temple, the supposed entrance part site of the temple complex. The archaeological excavations at the Kanka monument have yielded insights into the
lifestyle of an outpost city situated at the border of the territories of nomads, pastoralists, and farmers in ancient Central Asia. The findings indicate that ancient nomadic populations likely played a significant
role in the dissemination of scientific progress. Through their extensive migrations and cultural interactions, they could have served as conduits for exchanging knowledge and technological innovations among disparate regions.

Information about author

Sur’at Kubaev, National Center of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Candidate of Historical Sciences

Nadira Yusupova, National Center of Archaeology Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan

Doctoral Student


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How to Cite

Kubaev, S., & Yusupova, N. (2024). Archaeological research on the Kanka fortress city: between nomads and farmers. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(2), 57–73.



History and Archeology