Features of the Karakhanid craftsmanship

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  • Sharifa Toshova National Center of Archeology of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan




Karakhanids, Turks, East Turkestan, Mawarannahr, art, crafts, artisan, pottery, ceramics, metals, jewelry, Turkic element.


The establishment of Karakhanid rule in Mawarannahr (942-1212) led to the political unification of vast territories from East Turkestan to Khorezm. Political integrity, economic stability and intensive trade between the urban and steppe communities provided an environment conducive to developing local craftsmanship.
This article analyses the mutual influences and common features observed in the craftsmanship of the settled population and nomads in Mawarannahr under the Karakhanids. It demonstrates preservation of the ‘Turkic motifs’ in the new cultural environment. Although the vast territory of the Karakhanid state from Jetisu to Amu-Darya preserved local cultural peculiarities, the formation of universal cultural forms was conspicuous. This article demonstrates the innovations and transformation processes of the Karakhanid era’s craftsmanship, focusing on metal and ceramic products, as well as jewelry. During this period, unglazed pottery of an archaic type, similar to Bronze Age vessels, was widely used, along with fine pottery. These handmade vessels are painted with gray or red engobe. In addition to traditional
products of high quality, there are also metal vessels and female jewelry decorated with zoomorphic images. However the presence of these products does not necessarily indicate a decline in the overall quality of craftsmanship in the region.

Author Biography

Sharifa Toshova , National Center of Archeology of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan



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How to Cite

Toshova , S. (2024). Features of the Karakhanid craftsmanship. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(1), 79–93. https://doi.org/10.32523/2664-5157-2024-1-79-93



History and Archeology