The Process of Acculturation of the Kazakh Diaspora in the USA

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  • Zhazira Saiyn L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University



interaction of cultures, acculturation, assimilation, adaptation, diaspora, migrants, Kazakhs in the USA.


In the context of globalization, millions of people belonging to different cultures and
ethnic groups have been given the opportunity to move freely around the world and engage in cultural
exchanges with other peoples. In the largest cities of the world, the number of migrants from foreign
countries is constantly increasing, and along with this the number of problems is increasing. The
number of migrants in the world amounted to 272 million people, or 3.5% of the world’s population.
By 2050, this figure could reach 400 million (UN DESA Report, 2019
These migrations often lead to misunderstandings, and sometimes to conflict between representatives
of the two cultures. According to J. Berry (1997), in the period when some countries are striving for
political and economic integration, while others, on the contrary, for independence, the situation of
cultural interaction becomes especially acute. Therefore, scholars and individuals who somehow come
into contact with the process of intercultural communication, attach special importance to the study of
these processes, one of which is acculturation.
This article examines the acculturation process of Kazakhs living in the United States, gives the
concept of such forms of acculturation as segregation, assimilation, integration and marginalization.

Author Biography

Zhazira Saiyn, L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University

PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Department of Turkology


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How to Cite

Saiyn Ж. (2023). The Process of Acculturation of the Kazakh Diaspora in the USA. Turkic Studies Journal, 5(4), 83–98.



Culture and Art of the Kazakhs