Qissasi Rabg’uziy and Kazakh written literature of the beginning of the 20th century: spiritual harmony and continuity of tradition

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  • Khamidulla Tadzhiyev M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • Torali Kydyr M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Ar




Golden Horde, XX century, literature, Qisas-ul-Anbiya, Rabguzi, Mashhur Yusuf, Shadi Zhangiruly, spiritual harmony, continuity of tradition.


Different historical periods and historical personalities, political events and cultural and literary relics take occupy a special place in the formation of the Kazakh nation and an independent state as a whole. One of the most important factors in the history of the formation of independent Kazakhstan was the period of the Golden Horde state (XIII-XVI centuries), founded by
the descendants of Genghis Khan almost eight centuries ago.
It is clear that the attention paid today to the propaganda of this era at the state level increases the identity of this era and its influence on the formation of the Kazakh statehood. In particular, the study of the influence of the recorded during this period literary heritage on the formation of the Kazakh national worldview and propaganda in the modern scientific environment allows us to identify the continuity of national identity and literary tradition.
The literary heritage written during the Golden Horde as «(Qisas-ul-Anbiya» or «Qissasi Rabg’uziy”, “Nahjul Farodis», (The Open Way to Paradise»), «Khusrau-Shirin» was aimed at educating the country. Undoubtedly, these works played a special role in the development and improvement of the art of speech during this period.
The article considers the work «Qisas-ul-Anbiya» or «Qissasi Rabg’uziy” by Nasiruddin Burhanuddin Rabguzi, who made a special contribution to the social development in the Golden Horde period, and the spiritual harmony and traditions between the stories of the prophets. The continuity between these stories, which had a great influence on the national education and religious literacy of the Kazakh people in the early 20th century is considered to be relative. 

Information about author

Khamidulla Tadzhiyev, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University

PhD, senior teacher of the Department of Kazakh language and literature

Torali Kydyr, M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Ar

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Deputy Director-General


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How to Cite

Tadzhiyev Х. ., & Kydyr . Т. (2023). Qissasi Rabg’uziy and Kazakh written literature of the beginning of the 20th century: spiritual harmony and continuity of tradition. Turkic Studies Journal, 5(3), 172–184. https://doi.org/10.32523/2664-5157-2023-3-172-184



Literature and Folklore