Works of V.V. Barthold and Z. Velidi: interpretation of the research results
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V.V. Barthold, Z.Velidi, Karakhan, M.Kashkari, Mongol, Rashid ad-Din, Kutadgu BiligAbstract
Russian orientalists have intensively studied the history and literature of the Turkic peoples of Central Asia, since the second half of the 19th century. A number of detailed studies were conducted, criticizing the European scholars’ works as well. At the beginning of the 20th century, fundamental works began to be published as the results of these scientific studies, including the Systematized Multi-Volume Collection. It included the pre-revolutionary works of Academician V.V. Barthold. The researches of the scientist on the history, ethnography, geographical and literary history of the medieval Turkic peoples has not lost its relevance to this day. Academician V.V. Barthold in the process of his studies refers to the works of other scholars as well as the works of young scientist Zeki Velidi, who later became an outstanding orientalist among the Turkic Muslims. Moreover Zeki Velidi is considered as the founder of the general Turkic history course in the Republic of Turkey, the author of several monographs and numerous scientific articles. This article analyzes the scientific and
creative cooperation between V. Barthold and Zeki Velidi. The first five volumes of V. Bartold’s IXvolume collected works are considered as the object of research, in which the ideological ties of the two scholars are most vividly reflected and the importance of Zeki Velidi’s works for V.V. Barthold’s research is noted.
The authors of the article applied methods of comparative data analysis, making their judgments. In the process of research, references to sources are made, bibliographic and personal archival materials of Zeki Velidi are used. The results obtained in the article, make the feasible contribution to the study of the connection between the research works of the two scientists.
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