Tree of the clan in the «Daftar-i Činggis-name»

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  • Maria Ivanics University of Szeged



«Daftar-i Činggis-name», «Oguz-name», clan attributes, the tree of the clan, ethnography of Southern Siberia and the Volga region, linguo-geography, geobotany


The article is aimed to analyze the role of trees of clans of the Volga region peoples based on the monument «Daftar-i Činggis-name», a source of the 17th century, written by an anonymous
author. According to my current knowledge, there is no other Turkic-monument that is known for all
four attributes of the clan at the same time, i.e. a tree, a bird, a tamga, and an uran (battle cry). These attributes are constant characteristics of the clan and express “we are the consciousness” of society,
distinguishing this group from the others. This article considers only the tree of the clan from the
specified attributes. Sixteen names of Daftar trees were studied by means of linguo-geographic and geobotanical methods. It turned out, that three trees have a very wide botanical and geographical
distribution, which covered the whole Eurasia and were known to all Turkic peoples. Another group
(of four trees) was typical in the Volga-Kama region. Five trees were indigenous in the Ciscaucasia, but
their linguo-geographic range extends from the Chuvash to the Caucasian languages. From the other four trees, two turned out to be Mongolian, and two were Persian borrowings.
In the framework of the systematic study of trees of clans, it was possible to determine the habitat, lifestyle, and also nomadic routes of some clans. For better understanding of the names of trees of clans, a table is given at the end of the article, with marked individual areal groups of trees. The author of
the article notes the lack of knowledge of clan attributes and the system of clans in the Golden Horde.

Author Biography

Maria Ivanics, University of Szeged

Doctor of History, Prof. of Department of Altaic Studies


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How to Cite

Ivanics М. (2023). Tree of the clan in the «Daftar-i Činggis-name». Turkic Studies Journal, 5(1), 20–35.



History and Archeology