Dialect names of dishes dating back to the Altai era

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  • Madina Valieva Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences




lexeme, meaning, dishes, Turkic languages, Bashkir language, etymology, Altaic language family


This article discusses the Altai layer of names of dishes in the etymological aspect.
The established volume of the article does not allow to analyze all the names of household vessels of the Bashkir language dating back to the Altaic era, therefore, polysemantic lexemes were chosen –
ыҙыс/ыҙас ‘dishes’, күнәк ‘milk pail; bucket’, ҡупы ‘small bowl; bowl’, ҡap ‘bag, sack (matting); box,
container, receptacle, case; cup, vessel; pod, shell, coating, rind, skin, scales (of reptiles); placenta’
and other cognates that refer to this ancient lexical stratum of the Turkic languages. Comparative
historical studies, lexico-semantic, semantic-structural and etymological analyzes of the names of
containers make it possible to discover ancient roots and foundations dating back to the reconstructed
Altai forms, which are contained in the well-known dictionary of S.A. Starostin, A.V. Dybo, O.A.
Mudrak «An Etymological Dictionary of Altaic Languages». Structurally, many household terms consist
of monosyllabic and disyllabic roots. The Bashkir layer itself was formed on the basis of the ancient
Turkic vocabulary, phonetic transitions, changes and derivational potential of the Bashkir language.
Research on the original forms and etymons of modern names of dishes ыҙыс/ыҙас, күнәк, ҡупы, ҡап
made it possible to establish a chronological connection between the ancient Turkic, Proto-Turkic,
Altai forms: ыҙыс < *ïðïš < *ēdiĺ ‘ware’; kүnәk < *kȫjnek ‘bucket, vessel’ < *k῾ōńi – ‘ladle’; ҡap //
ҡab(ы) // ҡуп(ы) < *qav, *kab and the Proto-Altaic form *k῾àp῾à in the meanings ‘box, package, chest,
bag, vessel, dugout hollow tree, dugout boat’.
Also the article pays special attention to the description of various areal and dialect semantics,
everyday functions and forms of vessel names, which are recorded and stored in the card stock of the
Linguistics Department of the Order of the Badge of Honor of the Institute of History, Language and
Literature of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and are also presented
in the consolidated «Dialectological Dictionary of the Bashkir Language» (see lit.). In addition, various
dictionaries of the Turkic, Mongolian and Finno-Ugric languages, various dialectological studies,
reports, scientific works on ethnography, folklore and multi-volume books of Bashkir folk art were
used as comparative material.

Author Biography

Madina Valieva, Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Science (Philology), researcher of the Institute of History, Language and Literature



How to Cite

Valieva М. (2022). Dialect names of dishes dating back to the Altai era. Turkic Studies Journal, 4(2), 35–47. https://doi.org/10.32523/2664-5157-2022-2-35-47