Phonetic structures and intonation features of the visual image verbs in the Yakut and Kyrgyz languages

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  • Irina Sorova M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University



visual image verbs, Yakut language, Kyrgyz language, educational methods, phonetic structure, acoustic parameters, interval models


This article analyzes the phonetic structures and intonation features of visual image verbs in the Yakut and Kyrgyz languages. The article overviews the types of figurative verbs, as well as morphological and syntactic methods of their word formation. Furthermore, the provides a description of syllabic structures of visual image verbs that
characterize the appearance, shape and structure, physique and figure, facial expressions and facial features, and light perception of a person. The paper employs a set of research methods, including descriptive, structural, comparative, statistical and experimental methods. Using the experimental-linguistic method, the acoustic parameters of intonation patterns of visual image verbs are analyzed, and interval models are established based on their melodic characteristics. The theoretical
significance of this work is that the results obtained may be of interest for contrastive linguistics; they can also serve as a basis for further comparative studies of figurative verbs in Turkic linguistics. Practical significance is due to the fact that the results and main provisions of the study can be used in teaching functional grammar of the Yakut
language in higher and secondary educational institutions, as well as in developing lecture courses and seminars on contrastive linguistics.

Author Biography

Irina Sorova, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

Candidate of  Philology, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Sorova И. (2024). Phonetic structures and intonation features of the visual image verbs in the Yakut and Kyrgyz languages. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(4), 132–149.



Turkic languages