Abylai’s Epistolary Legacy in the context of Kazakh-Russian political communication

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  • Yulia Lysenko Altai State University




Abylai, the Russian Empire, epistolary legacy, political communication, socio-economic issues, citizenship, trade


The article presents an analysis of the epistolary legacy of Abylai Khan, a prominent Kazakh public and political figure of the XVIII century, through the prism of communication practices
between the political elite of the Middle Zhuz and the authorities of the Russian Empire. It is noted
that during this period, relations between the two states evolved from the formal-legal suzerainty of
the Russian Empire over the Kazakh Zhuzes to a state-political protectorate.
This gives reason to consider the authoritative communication of the Kazakh and Russian political
elites as interaction and mutual influence of fully-fledged actors. This interaction took various formats - negotiations, exchange of diplomatic missions, etc. However, in conditions of language barrier and
territorial remoteness from each other, the most intensive interaction was carried out through the
exchange of letters between Kazakh sultans and khans and the Russian Empire officials. Abylai Khan’s
epistolary legacy allows us to assert that he corresponded with empresses, members of the Board of Foreign Affairs, the governors-general of the Orenburg Region and Siberia, and the military elite of the Western Siberia military units.

Author Biography

Yulia Lysenko, Altai State University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Lysenko Ю. (2024). Abylai’s Epistolary Legacy in the context of Kazakh-Russian political communication. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(2), 93–108. https://doi.org/10.32523/2664-5157-2024-2-93-108



History and Archeology