Al-Omari’s information on the historical geography of the Golden Horde

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  • Zibagul Ilyassova L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University
  • Mendigul Nogaibaeva Al-Frabi Kazakh National University



Golden Horde, Al-Omari, historical geography, toponymy, economic geography, Sarai, Turan, Ark Tag, Tinibek


The written information by the Arab historian al-Omari, due to its authenticity, is a highly valuable source for the history of the Golden Horde.
As new archaeological and historical data about the Golden Horde emerge, there is a need to
critically reassess classical sources and analyze them in light of modern research. The article examines Al-Omari’s data within the framework of recent research on the historical geography of the Golden Horde, including its borders, medieval cities’ topography, urban growth dynamics, historical toponymy, and economic geography. The Ark Tag/Uruktag oronym, mentioned by al-Omari, is considered to be the Turkic name of the Ural Mountains. Additionally, al-Omari’s information regarding the economic geography of the Golden Horde is viewed as reflecting the regularities in the organization of nomadic pastoralism, migration routes, caravan paths of the nomads, as well as the ecological nature of the
organization of the nomadic husbandry. In the article, historical-comparative methods are employed, along with new modern methodologies. Among these is the method of logical positivism, enabling new conclusions about the state, political and administrative structure of the Golden Horde, as well as the nature of nomadic pastoralism and the lifestyle of that era’s people.

Information about author

Zibagul Ilyassova , L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University

Сandidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Mendigul Nogaibaeva, Al-Frabi Kazakh National University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Ilyassova З., & Nogaibaeva М. (2024). Al-Omari’s information on the historical geography of the Golden Horde. Turkic Studies Journal, 6(3), 51–68.



History and Archeology