Interlingual transformation of cultural texts in the Turkish language about the latest translation of A.S. Pushkin «Evgeny Onegin»

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  • Alexey Ovcharenko Patrice Lumumba University (RUDN University)
  • Sabri Gürses Boğaziçi University



translator’s school, dialogue of cultures, translation, gaps, linguacultural background, poetic language, translatability, Russian and Turkish languages.


The article presents the results of the work of the School for a Young Translator, carried out on the initiative of the Institute of the Russian Language of the P. Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University together with the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Ankara and the Ankara University of Social Sciences. Within the framework of the school, interactive lectures were given on the general theory of translation, on translation as a process of interlingual transformation,
on the types of translation transformations and intertextual connections of the original text, on the linguacultural background knowledge of the translator and the theory of lacunization. During practical classes, students were offered a questionnaire for determining intercultural connotations, created on the basis of the developments of Yu.A. Sorokin, as well as poems by A.A. Feta and short poems by Can Yucel and Aziz Nesin for independent translation from Russian into Turkish and from Turkish into Russian, respectively.
The main event in the work of the school was the presentation of a new translation of the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. The translator of the novel, philologist and writer Sabri Gürses spoke about the difficulties of translating Russian poetry into Turkish, about the importance of knowing the general cultural, historical and literary background for creating any translated literary text. One of the main tasks of the translation of “Eugene Onegin” is to preserve the language of A.S. Pushkin as a complex stylistic system, which includes not only all the styles of speech of that era, but also book-archaic phrases and Old Slavonicisms, therefore the Turkish language of his translation should include all these styles and correspond to the speech image of the characters.

Information about author

Alexey Ovcharenko, Patrice Lumumba University (RUDN University)

Doctor of Philology, Prof., Department of the Russian Language and Сultural Linguistics, Institute of the Russian Languag

Sabri Gürses, Boğaziçi University

Doctor of Philology, Post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies


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How to Cite

Ovcharenko А., & Gürses . С. (2023). Interlingual transformation of cultural texts in the Turkish language about the latest translation of A.S. Pushkin «Evgeny Onegin». Turkic Studies Journal, 5(3), 161–171.



Literature and Folklore