Grammatical status of syntactic syntagma
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Syntagma, intonation, lexical meaning, nominative word, grammatical meaning, communicative semantics, lexico-grammatical status, communicative status, intonation status.Abstract
The article deals with the problem of studying syntagma in relation to phonetics, vocabulary, semantics, intonation, also highlights the issue of classification of syntagma by scientists in the form of a phonetic unit, semantic-intonation unit, multicomponent syntagma, one-component syntagma, lexical syntagmatics, syntactic syntagmatics, it is shown that it is not part of a a single system, and the connection of syntagma with the specified areas is recognized as a linguistic unit of the sentence. The sentence is formed from the words that have fallen into the flow of speech, and the syntagma is a syntactic category that serves to convey thought, determining the role and meaning of the words that come into contact within a sentence. As a result, the term syntactic syntagma is proposed. Syntactic syntagma refers to a category that has a grammatical status closely related to the structural, semantic, intonation, and communicative system of the language. During the analysis of the activity of interrelated words and linguistic units linking them within a sentence, it is proved that there is a connection between syntactic syntagma and the structural system of the language.
The semantic compatibility of words as part of a syntactic syntagma is considered through the relationship of the semantic field with the lexical meaning. Intonation pause and consecutive intonation serve to link syntactic syntagma and intonation. The connection between communication and syntagma is reflected in the definition of information meanings.
A comprehensive analysis of each syntagma is carried out, which serves to convey certain information, as well as the function of words and affixes as part of a syntactic syntagma, the features of the interaction of syntactic syntagmas and syntagmatic connections.
Syntactic syntagma is considered as a grammatical category arising from the connection of words in the flow of speech.
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