For authors:

Submission of articles to the scientific publication office means the authors’ consent to the right of the Publisher, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, to publish articles in the journal and the re-publication of it in any foreign language. Submitting the text of the work for publication in the journal, the author guarantees the correctness of all information about himself, the lack of plagiarism and other forms of improper borrowing in the article, the proper formulation of all borrowings of text, tables, diagrams, illustrations.

The author(s) should provide a cover letter with the article to the journal editors. Requirements for provided articles.

The article

  • must be issued according to the requirements of the editorial board;
  • at the time of sending the article should not be published or be pending in another edition; • must contain original research results;
  • must include the results only of the author work / team of authors (the inclusion of other

persons is unacceptable); It is assumed that at the time of sending the article, all authors agree with the publication in this journal and do not object to the order of indication of the authors in the article;

  • should include in the list of citations only those peer-reviewed sources that were actually used in the course of the study;
  • should indicate all sources used (including the work of the author / team of authors).

For reviewers:

  • all articles received for review must be viewed as a confidential document. A peer re- viewer has no right to use unpublished article materials in his own research. The reviewer may send material to third parties only with the permission of the editor-in-chief;
  • according to the journal review policy, the journal uses a one-sided “blind” review proce- dure, when the authors’ data are known to the reviewer. In this connection, the object of reviewing should be the results of the obtained research, and not the author/team of authors. Expert opinion should not depend on the gender, nationality, religion and other personal qualities of the author / team of authors;
  • the reviewer needs to submit an objective work assessment to the editor, if necessary, suggest options for improving the submitted material;
  • the reviewer must refuse to review the material, notifying the editor if he/she is not a specialist in the subject matter of the material;

For editors:

Editor-in-Chief and members of the editorial board undertake

  • pay special attention to the qualitative composition of articles;
  • in determining who is responsible for the article, make his reasoned decision by agree- ment (or disagreement) with the reviewers’ decisions on the article;
  • participate in meetings of the journal editorial board, make decisions on determining the content of journal issues. Editor-in-Chief;
  • identifies two reviewers who are not members of the journal editorial board (scientists or specialists in relevant topics) for each article that has passed the initial review for compliance with technical requirements;
  • on the basis of peer-reviews and the conclusion of the responsible member of the editori- al board, makes the final decision on the publication of the received material. The decision of the editor-in-chief is brought up for discussion by the editorial board;
  • In his/her decision, the Editor-in-Chief is guided solely by scientific considerations and compliance with publishing standards. The decision of the Editor-in-Chief and the editorial board should not depend on the gender, nationality, religion and other personal qualities of the author/ team of authors; Open Access Policy The journal ‘s articles are directly accessible to all, based on the principle that free open access to research results increases universal knowledge.