Turkic Studies Journal 2024-12-15T15:51:34+00:00 Шаймердинова Нурила Габбасовна Open Journal Systems <p>The <em>Turkic Studies Journal</em> (TSJ) is a peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal that publishes research in Oriental studies, focusing on the culture, history, and languages of Turkic and neighboring peoples of Central Asia. It also features studies exploring the unique culture of the East, which, in interaction with Western culture, forms the unified civilizational foundation of the modern world.</p> <p>Modern Turkology integrates various scientific disciplines; however, at its core, it is rooted in historical and linguistic studies. Historical research in the journal centers on the history of societies and nomadic cultures, drawing from Chinese, Arab-Persian, Western, and Turkic sources, including Turkic written monuments composed in diverse scripts. These monuments are interpreted as textological units, as they serve not only as historical records of the Turkic peoples and their statehood but also as reflections of their worldview, ideology, culture, nomadic and sedentary lifestyles, thoughts, and experiences. The linguistic aspect of Turkology aims to study the contemporary and historical development of the Turkic languages, as preserved in written monuments.</p> <p>The reconstruction and study of any aspect of Turkological knowledge are impossible without historical fact, context, and reference to a specific historical event. In this process, the medieval history of Kazakhstan plays a significant role. It was during the Middle Ages that the Great steppe empires of the Huns, Turks, Kimeks, Oghuz, Kipchak khaganates, the Karakhanid state, the Ulus of Jochi, and the Kazakh Khanate were formed.</p> <p>The Middle Ages represent a continuous sequence of state formations, the blending of the Turkic language with local dialects, and the development of a state culture that shaped the architecture, arts, military affairs, clothing, jewelry trends, and prestigious items throughout the territory.</p> <p>Kazakhstan occupies a vast territory within the Eurasian space. Throughout history, it served as a crossroads for numerous population migrations and caravan trade routes extending both latitudinally and longitudinally. Kazakhstan served as a conduit and custodian of numerous innovations in both material and spiritual world cultures. Since antiquity, this territory functioned as a pivotal nexus of civilizations, where passionarity accumulated and disseminated in all directions of the oecumene.</p> <p>The medieval culture, history, and language of the Turkic peoples, in their connection to Kazakhstan as a centralizing entity of Central Asia and the East, remain insufficiently explored within the international academic discourse. This subject constitutes a distinguishing factor for TSJ publication and presents considerable scholarly interest to the global academic community.</p> <p>The <strong>mission</strong> of the journal is to explore the indigenous informational lacuna concerning the historical culture and language of the Turkic peoples. The <em>Turkic Studies Journal</em> is the sole publication within the Eurasian space that features original and translated articles on the medieval history and archaeology of the Turkic peoples, as well as their textology and languages, with a focus on the Republic of Kazakhstan as a historically centralizing entity of Central Asia and the East. The journal's publishing activities are also aimed at fostering international academic cooperation in the context of pressing issues in Oriental studies.</p> <p>The <em>Turkic Studies Journal</em> (TSJ) is aimed at specialists in Oriental Studies, Turkology, and early-career researchers engaged in the study of the history, archaeology, language, and textology of the Turkic peoples.</p> <p>Languages of publication: English, Kazakh, Russian. </p> <p>The journal is published 4 times a year</p> <p><a href="">ISSN (print) 2664-5157</a></p> <p><a href="">ISSN (online) 2708-7360</a></p> <p>Registered by Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the initial registration 28.03.2019 № 17636-Ж; re-registration 24.02.2021 (registration certificate No. KZ27VPY00032814).</p> <p>The international agency CrossRef assigns DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to journal articles. DOI log: <u></u></p> <p>Included in the List of journals <a href="">CQAES MSHE RK</a></p> <p>Indexing and archiving: <a href="">DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals</a><a href="">)</a><u>, </u><a href="">ERIH PLUS</a><u>, </u><a href="">RSCI</a>, <a href=";view_op=list_hcore&amp;venue=eYLO_wm6GbgJ.2024">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib)</a>, <a href="">EuroPub</a>, <a href="">Index Copernicus (ICI World of Journals)</a><u>, </u><a href="">ROAD</a><u>, </u><a href=";name=&amp;oaboost=1&amp;newsearch=1&amp;refid=dcbasen">BASE</a><u>, </u><a href="">Citefactor</a><u>,</u><a href=""> EBSCO</a></p> <p>Electronic versions of the scientific journal "Turkic Studies Journal" are provided to JSC "NCSTE" for the formation of the fund and inclusion in the electronic libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan.</p> <p>Print versions of the journal are sent to the libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.</p> <p>Publisher: Non-profit joint-stock company “L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University”, Аstana, Kazakhstan</p> The aesthetic world of Golden Horde literature and its continuity in Kazakh literature 2024-12-15T15:50:17+00:00 Murat Sabyr Aigul Ramanova Dina Kussainova Talgat Akhmetov <p>The written literary monuments of the Golden Horde era hold significant importance in the spiritual and cultural history of the Kazakh people. The common spiritual culture of the Turkic peoples <br />during this period was embodied in a unified Middle Turkic language, which laid the foundation for literature in the Kipchak-Oghuz and Oghuz-Kipchak languages and marked the emergence of national <br />trends. However, these literary monuments also show the influence of Eastern poetic traditions, which are clearly manifested in Qutb’s “Khosrow and Shirin”, and Khorezmi’s “Mukhabbat-name”.<br />The purpose of this paper is to study the world of spiritual and cultural values, including aesthetic <br />knowledge, within the context of written literary heritage. Additionally, a number of artistic and aesthetic concepts in Kazakh literature, which have deep roots, are considered. The written literary heritage of the Golden Horde period reflected the worldview, artistic and aesthetic expression through <br />linguistic means, including the use of epithets, metaphors, comparisons, idioms and set phrases. The written monuments of the 13th–14th centuries constitute a rich source of information regarding the spiritual and cultural worldview and aesthetic perception of the period. <br />The research has significant practical value. The results obtained can be used in the history of literature and cultural studies.</p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal Bibliographic index “Khakass folklore” 2024-11-26T10:09:43+00:00 Natalya Mainagasheva <p>The reviewed publication «Khakas Folklore» (compiled by M.A. Aeva et al., edited by A.A. Ischenko) serves as a bibliographic index of materials on Khakas folklore published in Russian, Khakas, and other languages from the late 19th century to 2022. A significant amount of work on Khakas folklore makes this compilation and systematization of information a highly valuable resource for the first time. <br />The bibliographic index consists of the following six main sections: previously published works on Khakas folklore, «Study of Khakas Folklore,» «Khakas Folklore in Art,» «Documentary Materials of Khakas Folklore in Archives,» «Bibliography of Khakas Folklore,» and «Additional Indexes,» which define its structure.<br />The works of researchers on Khakas folklore are categorized by genres (myths, heroic epics, legends, fairy tales, poems, etc.). Information about renowned singers such as S.P. Kadyshov, P.V. Kurbyzhakov, and prominent scholars like N.F. Katanov and V.E. Mainogasheva is provided separately. The preparation of the index involved reviewing collections from various libraries, electronic catalogs, and databases. The work is equipped with a reference-search apparatus for the convenience of researchers. <br />The publication «Khakas Folklore,» with a circulation of 100 copies, has already become a bibliographically rare and valuable resource.</p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal Word formation and inflection of non-substantive lexico-grammatical classes in the ancient Turkic language 2024-12-15T15:48:56+00:00 Margarita Dubrovina <p>In this article, the author turns to the material of the first written language of the Turks, namely the language of ancient Turkic runic inscriptions. The monuments date from the period between the 6th and 9th centuries and consist of texts carved on stone surfaces using specific runic signs. This language is of interest from a number of perspectives, but this study focuses on the morphology of parts of speech that are rarely discussed in specialized Turkic literature, namely adjectives, adverbs and numerals. A comprehensive examination of the language in question reveals that, despite its ancient origins, it has already developed a sophisticated system of word formation for non-substantive categories. Adjectives can be formed using a variety of forms, and adverbs have at least one word formation form. The sphere of inflection (formation) also begins to emerge; in the language of this period, it primarily affects numerals, which possess both ordinal and collective forms. The author refers to the latter forms under inflection rather than word formation due to the fact that the newly formed numeral forms do not change their original lexical meaning, continuing to express specific quantities.</p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal Semantics of the word ‘Qazaq’ in the ‘Baburnama’ 2024-12-15T15:51:34+00:00 Quanyshbek Kenzhalin Adilet Tansykbay Lazzat Еспекова <p>The ethnonym qazaq has a complex semantic history, reflecting changes in the political, social and cultural environment. Studying this facilitates an understanding of the evolution of relationships between different ethnic groups and reveals trends in their interaction. One of the medieval manuscripts in which the word qazaq is recorded is the work ‘Vaqayi’ (“Baburnama”), written by Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. This article examines the semantics and and usage of the words qazaq, <br />qazaqlıq, qazaqāna as recorded in this autobiography, written in the Chagatai Turkic language during the Middle Ages. The linguistic analysis focuses on the linguistic, historical and cultural context. The meanings identified as a result of the analysis: qazaq – ‘name of the country and ethnic group’, ‘brave’, ‘hero’, ‘scout’, ‘robber’; qazaqlıq – ‘a state and a set of actions (military invasion, confiscation, robbery, etc.) carried out by a ruler with his supporters during political instability’, qazaqāna – ‘modestly’. It is hypothesized that the meanings used in the ‘Baburnama’ formed the basis of the name of the Kazakh ethnicity. The linguistic connection between qazaq – qaraq and alaš is also examined. The authors conclude that Zahiraddin Muhammad Babur skillfully used the polysemy of the word qazaq in his autobiography.</p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal The semantic field of the word ‘snow’ in Yakut dialects 2024-12-15T15:49:56+00:00 Egor Nikolaev <p>The article presents an analysis of the semantic features of the word ‘snow’ in Yakut dialects. The semantic field of khaar ‘snow’ has been defined through component and semantic analyses. The interpretation of ‘khaar’ in various dialects is based on a comparison of the physical characteristics of snow. The study has shown that the words denoting snow reveal the related meanings of snow such as ‘lush,’ ‘loose,’ and ‘fluffy.’ The analysis has demonstrated that certain words considered in this <br />article possess a connotative feature of peripheral meanings. The semantic field of ‘khaar’ constitutes <br />the semantic space of Yakut words denoting ‘snow’, which is distinguished by a number of features. Firstly, the term is prevalent in different subdialects. Secondly, the stem word khaar unites some features describing different types of snow. Thirdly, the usage of the dialect of ‘khaar’ in one or several <br />dialect zones has resulted in the expansion of the subdialect areas (Kolyma, Vilyui). <br />The semantic space of ‘khaar’ represents the linguistic worldview as a result of long-term observations of the surrounding environment. The significance of the study lies in the linguistic description of Yakut everyday life.</p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal Phonetic structures and intonation features of the visual image verbs in the Yakut and Kyrgyz languages 2024-12-15T15:49:16+00:00 Irina Sorova <p>This article analyzes the phonetic structures and intonation features of visual image verbs in the Yakut and Kyrgyz languages. The article overviews the types of figurative verbs, as well as morphological and syntactic methods of their word formation. Furthermore, the provides a description of syllabic structures of visual image verbs that <br />characterize the appearance, shape and structure, physique and figure, facial expressions and facial features, and light perception of a person. The paper employs a set of research methods, including descriptive, structural, comparative, statistical and experimental methods. Using the experimental-linguistic method, the acoustic parameters of intonation patterns of visual image verbs are analyzed, and interval models are established based on their melodic characteristics. The theoretical <br />significance of this work is that the results obtained may be of interest for contrastive linguistics; they can also serve as a basis for further comparative studies of figurative verbs in Turkic linguistics. Practical significance is due to the fact that the results and main provisions of the study can be used in teaching functional grammar of the Yakut <br />language in higher and secondary educational institutions, as well as in developing lecture courses and seminars on contrastive linguistics.</p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal Verbs denoting craft activities in Mahmud al-Kashgari’s dictionary as a reflection of the economic and social life of the ancient Turks 2024-12-15T15:50:56+00:00 Zifa Temirgazina Olga Andruchshenko Aynur Amangeldy <p>In his ‘Dīwān Lughāt at-Turk’ Mahmud al-Kashgari compiled a thesaurus of the Old Turkic language, spanning the period from the late 10th to early 11th centuries. This work reflects the worldview of the ancient Turks during this period. These texts are regarded as important sources of information about the territories inhabited by the peoples, as well as their social and economic foundations by historians. Verbs pertaining to the domain of ‘craft actions’ offer insights into the evolution of crafts within the economic milieu of the Turks during the 10th–11th centuries. The differential semantics of verbs enabled the categorisation of verbs into lexical-semantic subgroups, which in turn allowed for the characterisation of various types of crafts. The subgroups ‘tailoring’ and ‘weaponry’ comprise the largest number of verb nominations, with 18 and 15 verbs, respectively. The number of words in the thesaurus indicates not only the prevalence of a particular type of craft, but also their specific nature (a multi-stage process, detailed work, and complexity). In addition, verbs describe crafts such as carpentry, leatherworking, weaving, felting, and the art of barbers. Thus, linguistic facts help to establish a certain fragment of the conceptual worldview of the ancient Turks, complementing historical and archaeological sources.</p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal Denominal verb derivation in J̌āmiʿ at-Tawārīχ by Qadir Ali Beg 2024-12-15T15:50:36+00:00 Guldana Togabayeva <p style="font-weight: 400;">The J̌āmiʿ at-Tawārīχ ‘Compendium of Chronicles’ is a historical text written by Qādir ʿAli Beg in 1602, most likely in the Qasym Khanate (1452–1681), using the literary Turkic language of Central Asia. The source has two manuscripts in St. Petersburg and in Kazan, respectively, along with at least three fragments. <br />This paper will examine sentences containing verb forms with denominal verb derivation from the St. Petersburg manuscript. The analysis will be one step in the investigation of verbal morphology in the ‘Compendium of Chronicles’. <br />Denominal verb derivation is a synthetic process resulting in a secondary verb stem derived from a nominal stem, i.e. noun, adjective or pronoun, by adding a suffix. This process enables the creation of new verbs that retain the meaning of the original <br />nominal. The following inventory of denominal verb derivational suffixes was attested in the investigated corpus: {+lA-}, {+A}, {+I-}, {+(A)l-}, {+(A)y-}, {+(A)r-}, {+dA-}, {+(I)K }, {+KAr}, {+(U)(r)ka }. Additionally, there is an example of the ancient z ~ r correspondence, where z is replaced by r when using the denominal verbalizer {+I-}.</p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal Kyrgyz clan (tribe) within the Bashkirs: Bashkir-Kyrgyz ethnogenetic parallels 2024-12-15T15:49:36+00:00 Anisa Bikbulatova Albert Asylguzhin Albina Maksutova <p>The migration of tribal groups including the Khakas, Kirghiz, Un, Saryg, As, and Tabyn into Bashkiria dates back to the 9th-10th centuries and is associated with the westward expansion of the Khakas (Kyrgyz) during the era of the so-called ‘Kyrgyz great power’. The works of medieval Eastern <br />(Arab and Persian) geographers and historians provide significant information for reconstructing the settlement areas of the Bashkirs and Kyrgyz. By the time of Genghis Khan, as evidenced in the ‘Kyssa-i Genghis Khan’, the Kyrgyz had long been integrated into the Bashkir people, forming an independent Kyrgyz ulus (aymaҡ, ilәү). After the Bashkirs accepted Moscow (Russian) subjection in the middle of the 16th century, the tradition of autonomous political and legal status among the Bashkirs was preserved. The majority of the Bashkir clans officially (legally) secured the lands they occupied under the system of collective clan rights (fiefdom rights).</p> <p>The results of genetic studies help clarify theories about the origin and migration paths of the ancestors of the Kyrgyz clan association within the Bashkirs, shed light on the genetic affinities between representatives of certain Bashkir and Kyrgyz clans.</p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal The The main aspects of cultural influence between the Turkic Khaganates and the Chinese Empire 2024-11-26T09:55:47+00:00 Ahmet Taşağıl Madina Amanova <p> The article explores the mutual cultural influence between the First and the Second Turkic Khaganates and the early medieval China. The authors consider the VI-VII centuries AD as an object of chronological research. In the 6th century, the first Turkic Khaganate was established and quickly became an important geopolitical neighbor of the Chinese Empire. The historical development of the Turkic Khaganate was closely linked to the Chinese Empire: it was the closest ally during periods of prosperity and the most significant threat during the Khaganate’s decline. In the 7th century, the Turks lost their statehood for half a century and were <br />subjugated by the Tang Empire. Despite this, it was at this time that the influence of Turkic culture on Chinese culture increased. The mutual influence of cultures was manifested in the following areas: religion, various traditions, art, music, objects of material culture, architecture, etc. The research makes it possible to better understand the aspects of diplomatic relations between the states, the motives for the development of the foreign policy vector between them.<br />The article analyzes historical sources and uses archaeological and anthropological materials, and uses methods of systematic complex analysis.</p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal History of the musical instrument found in the town of Bidayik-Asar (2nd-4th centuries C.E.) 2024-12-15T15:51:15+00:00 Azilkhan Tazhekeyev Zabira Zhakisheva <p>The article examines fragments of wooden musical instruments found by the Horezm Archaeological and Ethnographic Expedition (HAEE) at the Bidayik-Asar monuments associated withthe Zhetyasar culture, which developed in the eastern Aral Sea region. The HAEE began its initial archaeological investigations of the Zhetyasar sites in 1946 with subsequent expeditions in 1948, 1949, and 1951, under the leadership of S.P.Tolstoy. These excavations led to the identification of the ‘Zhetyasar Culture’. These field research continued into the 1970s and 1980s.<br />Findings from the 1970s–1980s indicate that Bidayik-Asar was inhabited during the first half of the first millennium CE. Based on these dates, the musical instruments found at the site are classified among the earliest known wooden stringed instruments. This discovery, of great scientific interest to music archaeologists, has been categorized into several groups of musical instruments which are currently undergoing detailed study. <br />The design of the instruments suggests that they may represent early imitations of stringed instruments, crafted from wood.The other part of the bodywork, with opened top and bottom, indicates the existence of different types of musical instruments. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain their origin and use. </p> 2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Turkic Studies Journal